Sun, May 10, 2015: Today's free Amazon android app of the day is: Motivated Moms!
Application Description:
Motivated Moms is a chore calendar ? a pre-planned checklist of chores that will allow you to have a clean, organized home and still have time for yourself. No need for huge cleaning days - just do the chores, check them off and you are done for the day! The app purchase comes with 2 months of tasks and server access and additional time/tasks can be added as an in-app purchase. To try before you buy, look for Motivated Moms Lite at the Amazon Appstore.
Feeling scattered? Do you wish someone would just tell you what to clean and organize each day so everything will get done? Are you easily sidetracked and not getting much done in the house each day? Did you make a resolution to keep your house more clean and tidy? Then Motivated Moms is perfect for you!
The system is designed to help you complete chores and tasks for a short part of each day so you don?t spend your entire day doing housework. Motivated Moms is all about reducing stress, not adding to it, in order to make home management easier. If you don?t get a chore done, don?t worry about it ? it will come around again.
Key features:
? You can now sync your data between devices, including iOS devices (account required)
? All tasks in the average home are planned out for you
? Ability to add unlimited custom tasks
? Check off chores as they are done and they drop to the bottom of the list out of your way
? No major cleaning days or Spring Cleaning week, do just a little all year around
? Daily items and those that come up less frequently are scheduled for you
? No need to remember when you last changed the a/c filter or dusted the living room ? just do the tasks as they come up; the app keeps track for you
? Tasks can be assigned to people and rooms and sorted accordingly
? Server backup keeps your data safe in case you need to replace or reset your device
You can move items to other days if you have a conflict. The application also gives you the ability to hide items that don't apply. Don't have a pet? Just hide the "Feed Pets" chore, then unhide it later if you get a pet part of the way through the year. Want to be reminded to read your Bible each day? Motivated Moms will help you read through the Bible in a year. Don?t need the bible reading plan? You can hide the plan either by editing the task or going to the Setup menu.
from GeekExile: Free App of the Day from Amazon!
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