Music app - http://goo.gl/CckWp
Google Music Theme - http://goo.gl/DQC5u
Music Theme Template - http://goo.gl/eYx7F
It looks like our friends that make the customer ROM Cyanogenmod have hit a major milestone overnight. They have had 1,000,000 UNIQUE active users. This meaning that they aren't counting redownloads, or reinstalls. Congrats!
Source Twitter:
CyanogenMod just passed 1 million active users. http://t.co/24UpkKx1 -- koush (@koush)
It appears as if Netflix has been cracking down on the number of devices you can stream to at once. It was just brought to my attention (with the screenshot below) that if you are on the streaming only plan you can only stream to one device at a time...
Makes me wish there was something out there as flexible and available on as many devices...
A comment was made that the new social site Pinterest didn't have an android app, so we decided to throw together an app taking advantage of their (very well put together) mobile website. It's free to download, you just have to get invited to use their service (at this point).
Although I can't take credit for the content, I will say that I spent a good 20 minutes trying to make the icon look pretty...